Check out this peice of gear that some of the Scouts own and use when they go backpacking. Read below to see what they have to say about it!
I've been a fan of this functional fashion brand since I first heard of them while visiting Japan several years ago - so I made a point to pick up a pair of their zip to shorts pants on my last visit.
My first impression was excitement for the fit and the fact that these are the only zip to shorts pants I've ever worn that didn't look ridiculous. Beyond that I've continued to be impressed by their comfort and durability, not always complimentary features. And of course, the ability to take one piece of gear that is both pants and shorts when the days heats up has been incredibly beneficial. One last note: a rather unique innovation of these pants vs. other zip to short pants is that they have a zipper that runs down the lower half of the pant along your leg, allowing for you to convert to shorts without having to remove your boots!